to make two chubby club sandwiches, you’ll need:
- bread of your choice – we used seeded bread because it’s Paul’s birthday and we don’t care, but to keep it SW friendly you’ll need to use three slices of Kingsmill Wholemeal Crusts Away bread as your HEB
- one big fat juicy tomato
- three bacon medallions with the fat cut off
- nice green lettuce
- one bouncy and juicy chicken breast
- one large egg
- greek yoghurt (get the 0% fat version, keep it syn free)
- any kind of hot sauce – optional – we used sriracha which is half a syn per tablespoon – we actually should have synned that I suppose, but it makes enough ‘sauce’ for two sandwiches, so quarter of a syn? Up to you!
You can get bacon and chicken from our massive Musclefood deal, just saying. Click here and relax, it’ll open in a new window. Plus the chicken isn’t full of water and nonsense and the bacon medallions cook well! Come on, let the Cubs fill your box once and for all!
to make two chubby club sandwiches, you should:
- way really, it’s just a case of assembling your sandwich – I included a picture above so you can see what I mean, but here’s what is on each slice – read the recipe through first and then get everything on the go at once
- make up some sauce by combining greek yoghurt with the hot sauce – or you know, syn some mayonnaise like a normal folk
- toast your bread and keep it to one side
- spread some sauce on one slice and top with freshly cut tomatoes
- grill your bacon and put it on top of the lettuce and a bit of sauce on the second slice
- you’re BACON me crazy, right?
- boil up your egg and mush it up in a bowl with a tiny bit of greek yoghurt and lots of black pepper
- for the chicken, I butterfly the breast (cut through horizontally most of the way through but don’t go all the way, baby – then fry it off in a good non-stick pan but instead of using oil, use lemon juice – make sure it doesn’t stick though. If you’re feeling all classy then you could use a griddle pan, hark at you
- assemble
We served ours with chips because we’re fat and can handle all the carbs. You can leave stuff out if you don’t like it, add stuff in – it’s a veritable hokey-cokey of sandwiches.