Pressure canning rice is one home food preservation way that is known as “rebel canning.” Canning rice has not been tested.
Therefore, it is not recommended to can rice, However, that doesn’t mean that it hasn’t been done before.
If you choose the rebel way of life, like me, well then join me in canning rice for a delicious way to have ready to eat rice at any moment.
- Rice
- Chicken broth or water
- Seasonings (salt, garlic salt, etc.)
- Fill pint jars with 1/2 cup rice using a canning funnel is a great way to keep the mess down.
- Season to taste. This could be salt, garlic salt, or pepper. Personally, I like to do a 1/2 tsp of salt per pint jar of brown rice.
- Fill jars with chicken broth to one inch headspace. The chicken broth can be replaced with water, however broth adds flavor.
- Remove air bubbles.
- Wipe rims with clean cloth and place lids on top of mason jar and screw bands on finger tight.
- Place jars into pressure canner. Check water level and ensure that there is around 2-3 inches of water in the bottom of the pressure canner. Place lid on canner and turn on heat.
- Once steam is coming out of vent, allow steam to escape for 10 minutes and then pressure can at 10 lbs of pressure for 20 minutes, unless you live in a high altitude area.
- After the canning process is done, turn stove off and allow pressure to lower to zero. Remove dial gauge and allow pressure to release some more. Open lid away from face, remove the home-canned rice and place on a towel, leaving undisturbed for a day.
- The next day, check for proper seal on all jars and wash outside of jars if needed.