to make the best chicken stir-fry we’ve ever done, you’re going to need:
- one big chicken breast you can use two if you want more chicken
- one garlic clove, minced
- a bunch of coriander
- two large egg noodle nests (dried, mind, and make sure they’re syn free)
- 1.5tbsp of soy sauce
- 2 tbsp of hoisin sauce (2 syns)
- a decent knob of ginger
- 3 spring onions
- 1 large red onion
- 1 large red pepper
- 1 pinch of chinese five spice
As usual with our stuff, feel free to swap stuff out, mix up ingredients, add your own twist. We won’t tell. For your garlic and ginger, get them minced using one of these fancy things. You know we recommend them all the time but that’s because they bloody well work.
to make the best chicken stir-fry we’ve ever done, you should:
- get a pan of hot water bubbling away
- chop your chicken breast up into thumb sized chunks and put them into a bowl with the chinese five spice, rubbing it into the meat as best as you can, then put to one side
- slice your red pepper and red onion and then chop the spring onion nice and fine
- mince your garlic and ginger
- drop the egg noodles into the water and cook for as long as they recommend – once that’s done though, drain away the water and run them under cold water so they stop cooking
- whilst they’re cooking away you can get your wok or large frying pan ready with a few spritzes of decent olive oil or, god forbid, bleurgh, frylight – but why do that to yourself?
- cook off the chicken strips until nice and well, cooked, then remove them and throw the pepper and onion into the pan and let them cook for a few minutes until softened
- add the chicken back in, together with the ginger and garlic, and cook for a minute or two – then add the noodles, soy sauce and hoisin sauce and cook everything through until it’s lovely and hot
- serve on a plate with chopped coriander and spring onions on the top.